immaa trying the blogspot.....

hhmmmm... this is my first blog here.. out of boredom and while waiting for my contacts at my multiply site to send me a pm for their inquiries or order, im taking this time writing this.. Order? yes, im selling online stuff at multiply. I just started last January 29, 2008 and so far so greaT! I got a lot of buyers and I am so thankful and blessed talaga that i have this marketing skills though I took up Engineering course in college. hmmm.. kinda wondering what i am selling online? just click on the link above! hahahah! Its swimwear, my dear.. Yes, very affordable! (i cant stop plugging.. errr...)

anyweiz, i hope i would be able to blog as much as possible as im so preoccupied with my graveyardshift work plus the online bizness. ceeyah guys here!

hope to here from you guys...


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