
This is a long overdue post... Oh well, Im guilty! Im always the last to post photos of events/trips etc... some photos are stock on my disk. Say "Hello" BORACAY!!! wiiiihh!! What was my reaction when I first saw the beach???? My face was like...... blank! oh yah, I was stunt by it's beauty and I cant believed that I actually set my feet on the most famous beach here in the Philippines.. oooohh, did I mention that the sand is indeed sugary fine?? trust me! It wont hurt your feet... okay, I will let the photos speak for itself first..... lalalalala.. At Station 2, view from our hotel... We got the perfect spot. at our hotel.. :)) the foodies... nom! the SUNSET!!!! I super love it.... les get ready to party!! Island Hopping at PUCA Beach and Crystal Cove This is what you call a buwis-buhay-pose! ...