Flying - More Fun in the Philippines

I love adventures and the one that we did was one hell of an expi! One windy morning in Boracay, during our last few hours on the paradise, we decided to try the parasailing...

I walked from station 2 - 3, 3-2, 2-1 to look for the cheapest Parasailling rates!! Ha! I saw all of the price range (depends if you're a foreigner or local) from 900-3000 each.. Depends on how you haggle. We got ours of course for 900 each only..

It was a 15 minute ride. 15 minutes seems like forever if you're flying and sailing with the strong wind.. Below are our memories of flying together... 

Honestly, I was thinking of backing out here but I realized that we gave our payment already.. hahaha!

Okay, I asked Koya to tighten the lifevest! Kesohodang di ako makahinga! wahahaha!

we put our trust and life on this rope.. 

look wos excited?????

okay, here we go.. time to call all of the saints and angels on heaven...

The koyas are having a hard time maneuvering it coz the wind was crazy then!! oh my!

That made me wanna go back to the shore..

It should be ladies first daw.. but noo oohh! Ladies choice!! You first, honey!

Okay, my smile  here was so fake! I cant even move a muscle... I said "bu-bye Koyas" ingatan mo camera ko ha.. lol!

see how my smile here looks the same on the above photo? Hahaha! told yah I wasnt even breathing! lol

still trying to get the hang of it... ohhh We were on the air! Sailing... lalalala lalalala!

slowly getting up and swaying from left to right, right to left.. oh the bitchy wind! 

now Im laughing and seems to be enjoying it... wiiihhh!!! 

Our reactions were funny! hahaha! I was totally scared of the wind then while my solemate was ecstatic! We even brought our p&s camera but it didnt work because of the pressure on top I guess.

Our guide told us to just signal our hands going down if we dont want anymore and we did on the 14th min! 

the ride was worth the price and the dizzyness..
dont ask me who got dizzy.. It's definitely not me, so guess who :P

Indeed a summer to remember..  


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